Society of Chest Imaging and Interventions (SCII)
Meetings & Conferences
The Second Annual Virtual Conference of Society of Chest Imaging and Interventions (SCIICON 2020) was held on 26th and 27th September 2020. A pre-conference SCII certification course on ILD was also conducted on 29th and 30th August 2020.
It was an online event attended by 356 delegates from all corners of the country. Recent updates in ILD and other topics in the field of thoracic radiology were covered by eminent national and international speakers. ILD course was especially popular.
The ILD course talks included relevant basic anatomy and pathophysiology and extended to latest updates in ILD and review of ILD cases with experts. Post-course assessment was also carried out by sending 6 ILD cases to all the delegates to report.
Virtual annual conference mainly focused on the updates in lung cancer, COVID-19 infection, airway and pulmonary vascular disorders and chest interventions. There were several interactive sessions in the form of quizzes employing online polling systems ensuring an active audience participation.
Peppered in were the top scored oral paper presentations as part of the main sessions, with online display of e-posters on SCIICON 2020 website. A separate session for free oral paper presentations were also conducted on 2nd October 2020.
In between sessions were the musical interludes sung by our multitalented radiologists.
The conference was well-appreciated and supported by the delegates.